What home services are most popular?
Its been 2 years that we started offering qualified professionals for various home services. Starting with only 1 city, today Hecqo offers its services in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Bengaluru and Pune.
Our background in facilities management for corporates has been an advantage. So while most of the new entrants in this segment were focussing on building only a sexy product, we always knew that tech plus services was the key to winning in home services. Quitely but surely, Hecqo is today amongst the most preferred home services provider in all the cities we are present in.
Delivering quality services every day for every order requires tight process control on service delivery and deep domain capabilities. The journey is still on and we are learning every day.
We thought it best to share some interesting data on home services based on our experience in these last 2 years.
1) Home services is a 'very large' segment and the marketplace model has been the most apt in its ability to cater to such scale.
2) For every 3 enquiries, 1 order is booked on our platform.
3) 61% of all orders are for Appliances servicing/repairing; signifying the huge gap in 'service center' infrastructure that Appliances, CD companies have not been able to create
4) More and more households want professional deep cleaning services resulting in over 30% of all orders being booked for cleaning. More than price, here, it is paucity of time that is the hurdle. Customers buy cleaning in small packages - getting Kitchen cleaning, Windows cleaning, or Sofa Cleaning done as per their availability of time.
5) Average order value in cleaning is over Rs 2400 even when cleaning is being sold in small packages.
6) Home services consumption may also be seasonal - eg. any festival leads to huge uptake in cleaning consumption, summers leading to high demand for AC servicing, monsoon for pest control etc.
7) There is however consistent demand for all kinds of home services throughout the year including cleaning, Appliances, Maintenance, Pest control etc.
8) For every 3 customers on our platform, 1 comes back for a repeat purchase but in a different service category.
9) If a customer has consumed our service 3 times, he/she goes onto order another 4 services in the next 3 months.
10) Different citiies have their own user behaviour, Bengaluru displays high App usage, Mumbai is more prone to cash payments, Pune is less prone to negotiations.
As we learn, we become more and more attuned to the demands of the home services market.
Happy booking !!